Garden Wedding Ceremony Script

This wedding ceremony script is the perfect little prompt to use for your garden wedding. With all the flowers in bloom and the sweet scents of love and blossoms in the air, this ceremony script will help you set the perfect vibe.

The Processional:

The bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle with their partners (optional), followed by the maid of honor/best man. The flower girl and ring bearer (optional) can walk down the aisle scattering flower petals. The bride enters either alone or with her escort of choice. 

Opening Remarks:


Thank you everyone for gathering on this beautiful day under the boughs of love and in the springing hope of life. I could not imagine anything more perfect than this lovely garden setting for the wedding of [Partner 1] and [Partner 2].

Here’s a short poem about love that I’d like to open today’s ceremony with:

 In verdant embrace, where sunlight spills,

 A garden blooms, with love that thrills.

 Each fragrant bloom, a whispered vow,

 As roses twine and tendrils bow.

 The lilies white, with petals pure,

 Reflect a love that will endure.

 The pansies peek, with faces bright, 

 Mirroring joy in morning light.

 The climbing vines, a tangled hold,

 A love that’s strong, both brave and bold.

 The busy bees, a gentle hum, 

 A promise whispered, never numb.

The babbling brook, a soothing song, 

Of love that flows, forever strong. 

Beneath the shade of branches old, 

A love story,tenderly told.

And as the sun begins to set,

 Love’s embers glow, a warm duet. 

For in this garden, hearts entwine,

 A love that’s blessed,forever thine.

Declaration of Intent

The Declaration of Intent is the part of the ceremony where the couple expresses their wish to marry. 

Officiant to Partner 1:

[Partner 1], do you take [Partner 2] as your lawfully wedded wife/husband/partner to have and to hold for the rest of your days? 

Partner 1:

I do 

Officiant to Parnter 2:

[Partner 2], do you take [Parner 1] as your lawfully wedded wife/husband/partner to have and to hold for the rest of your days? 

Partner 2:

I do

The Vows:

(The couple can write their own vows or use these)

Bride: [Groom’s Name], you are the sunshine that brightens my days, the steady hand that guides me through stormy weather. Today, I promise to be your fertile ground, where your dreams can take root and blossom. We will nurture our love together, and build our garden of love together for the rest of our days.

Groom: [Bride’s Name], you are the most beautiful flower in my garden. Your sweet fragrance fills my life with joy. Today, I vow to be the gentle breeze that carries your sweet scent, the water that helps you grow and the gardener who pulls out the weeds and rejoices in your beauty. 

Exchange of Rings:

Officiant: Now the couple will exchange rings to wear as a permanent symbol of their love for eachother.

Partner 1: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. May you look at it and remember my never-ending love for you and my promise to be true. 

Partner 2: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. May you look at it and remember my never-ending love for you and my promise to be true. 

Pronouncement and Recession

So now, by the power vested in me by the internet, I now pronounce you married! You may kiss. 

Couple exits to the cheering of the audience as they shower the couple with petals and blossoms 

Bernard Paul