This wedding ceremony script is for couples who might have a German-American partner and wish to include some German in their wedding ceremony. Or maybe you have German ancestry and wish to pay tribute to your heritage in your ceremony. Regardless of the reason, here’s an English-German wedding ceremony script just for you! You can feel free to add your own vows or include other traditions as you see fit.

Opening Speech
“Willkommen!” Welcome everyone to the wedding of [Partner A] and [Partner B] as they come together today to express their love in the bond of marriage. I will begin the ceremony with a German poem about love by Friedrich Halm:
Was ist denn Liebe? Sag!
Zwei Seele und ein Gedanke,
Zwei Herzen und ein Schlag!
The poem simply translates in English to:
What is love? Say! Two souls and one thought, two hearts and one heartbeat.
Now the couple will exchange vows.”
Partner A: I take you, [Partner B] to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to love you for the rest of my days.
Ich nehme dich [ Partner B] als meine Frau und verspreche dir zu lieben bis der Tod uns scheidet.
Partner B: I take you, [Partner A] to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to love you for the rest of my days.
Ich nehme dich [ Partner A] als meinen Mann und verspreche dir zu lieben bis der Tod uns scheidet.
Ring Exchange
Officiant: “These rings are a symbol of your eternal love. May they always remind you of your commitment to each other.”
Diese Ringe sind ein Zeichen der ewigen Liebe. Mögen sie immer eine Erinnerung an eure Liebe zueinander sein.
Officiant: I now pronounce you man and wife!
Ich erkläre dich jetzt Mann und Frau!
Post-Ceremony Toast
Officiant: “Ein Hoch auf das Brautpaar!” Mögen sie ein langes und glückliches Leben führen.
“A toast to the newlyweds!” “May they have a long and happy life together.
– Bernard Paul