Flying Spaghetti Monster Wedding Ceremony Script

For all you pasta lovers out there, here’s a fun example of a Flying Spaghetti Monster Wedding Ceremony Script. We hope it brings smiles and a few extra scoops of spaghetti come wedding day.

Hey there my hearty pasta lovers! Today we’re going on a saucy adventure that has everything to do with pasta and just as much to do with love! We’re here to celebrate the marriage of [Name of Partner 1] and [Name of Partner 2], who by the end of the ceremony will be married under the blessing of the Flying Spaghetti Monster God. 

[Partners walk down the aisle, accompanied by the sound of pasta beats.]


Is everyone ready for this spaghetti fest? 

[Partner 1 and Partner 2 stand face to face.]

Now, listen up, you lovebirds! Like the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s noodles tangle together, your lives are also bound together in a pot of love and a sprinkle of parmesan.

To [Partner 1]:

Do you, [Partner 1], promise to share your meatballs, slurp the sauce of life together, and to cherish [Partner 2] as your eternal pasta partner, through thick and thin, in feast and hunger, as long as you both shall live?

[Partner 1]:

I do, with all the sauce in my heart.


And do you have a ring for [Partner 2]?

[Partner 1] presents the ring to [Partner 2].


Please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us.

[Partner 1]:

With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us.


To [Partner 2]: Do you, [Partner 2], promise to share your meatballs, to slurp the sauce of life together, and to cherish [Partner 1] as your eternal pasta partner, through thick and thin, in feast and hunger, as long as you both shall live?

[Partner 2]:

I do, with all the sauce in my heart.


And do you have a ring for [Partner 1]?

[Partner 2] presents the ring to [Partner 1].


Please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us.

[Partner 2]:

With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us.


By the power vested in me by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the great colander in the sky, I now pronounce you partners in pasta. May your days be filled with joy, your nights with warmth, and your life together with endless bowls of spaghetti. R’amen!

You may kiss

[Partner 1] and [Partner 2] kiss while the crowd cheers “R’amen!” and applause.]

And now my lovely Pastafarians, I present to you for the first time, [Partner 1] and [Partner 2]!

Couple walks down aisle together as audience applauds and showers the couple with handfuls of fake noodles.

Bernard Paul