Fun Wedding Ceremony Script

If you’re looking for a wedding ceremony script, that’s light-hearted and fun, this is the one for you. It’s short, sweet (possibly also a little sour) and will keep your guests smiling throughout the ceremony.

Opening Remarks:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends, family, and anyone who just showed up for the free booze—welcome! We’re gathered here today to celebrate something truly special: the marriage of [Partner 1] and [Partner 2]. I promise to keep this brief because the only thing standing between us and a fantastic party is me. So, let’s get right to it.

The Welcome:

First, I want to thank you all for being here. Some of you have traveled great distances, while others simply woke up, rolled over, and decided to join us. Either way, your presence means the world to [Partner 1] and [Partner 2].

A Few Words on Love:

Now, let’s talk about love. Love is the cream of the crop, the cherry on top of the ice cream and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But today isn’t just about smiley heart emojis and good night kisses. We’re gathered to rejoice in a love that two people feel so strongly between each other that they decide it’s worth filing taxes together. Guys, that’s pretty serious.

The Story:

Speaking of love, let’s talk about these two wonderful people standing before us. [Partner 1] and [Partner 2] met in [briefly describe how they met]. Their journey together has been filled with laughter, adventure, and just enough challenges to keep things interesting. Like that time when [insert funny anecdote]. But through it all, their love has grown stronger, proving that together, they can handle anything life throws their way – including taxes.

The Vows:

Now, we come to my favorite part of the ceremony: the vows. [Partner 1], please repeat after me.

I, [Partner 1], take you, [Partner 2], to be my lawfully wedded [wife/husband/partner]. I promise to laugh at your jokes, even when they’re not funny, to support you in every Marvel movie marathon, and to always let you have the last slice of pizza. I vow to stand by your side, through the good times and the less-than-great times, and to love you with all my heart, forever and always.

[Partner 2], your turn. Please repeat after me.

I, [Partner 2], take you, [Partner 1], to be my lawfully wedded [wife/husband/partner]. I promise to laugh at your jokes, even when they’re not funny, to support you in every Marvel movie marathon, and to always let you have the last slice of pizza. I vow to stand by your side, through the good times and the less-than-great times, and to love you with all my heart, forever and always.

The Rings:

Now, let’s get to the rings. (Hold up rings.) These rings symbolize the endless love and commitment you share. They’re circles, just like the circle of life, seemingly endless but yet somehow complete. 

[Partner 1], please place the ring on [Partner 2]’s finger and repeat after me.

With this ring, I give you my heart, my soul, and a lifetime of sarcastic comments. Wear it as a reminder of my love for you and the promise of all our tomorrows.

[Partner 2], your turn.

With this ring, I give you my heart, my soul, and a lifetime of sarcastic comments. Wear it as a reminder of my love for you and the promise of all our tomorrows.

The Pronouncement:

By the power vested in me by the internet, and the state of [state], I now pronounce you [husband and wife/husband and husband/wife and wife/partners for life]. You may kiss your [wife/husband/partner]!

(Let them kiss.)

The Conclusion:

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce, for the very first time, [Partner 1] and [Partner 2] [Last Name]! Let’s get this party started!

Bernard King