The information in this section was mainly sourced from this page.
This Wedding Ceremony Script is written for a heterosexual couple. You can simply make the necessary modifications to apply this to a same-sex couple.
[Beginning of the Wedding Ceremony]
- Guests Are Seated
- Bridesmaids and Groomsmen Enter
- Bride Enters
(Minister Speaks To The Wedding Reception)
“Dearly Beloved and Honored Guests,
We are gathered together here to join _____________________________________ and _____________________________________ in marriage. This contract is not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and with a deep realization of its responsibilities. Please remember that love, loyalty, and understanding are the foundations of a happy and enduring home.”
Declaration of Intent
(Minister to the Groom)
“Do you _____________________________________ take this woman _____________________________________ to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?”
(Groom to the Bride)
“I do”
(Minister to the Bride)
“Do you _____________________________________ take this man _____________________________________ to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
(Bride to the Groom)
“I do”
Vows and Rings Exchange
(Minister To The Wedding Reception)
“_____________________________________ and _____________________________________ will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment.”
(Bride and Groom Exchange Rings)
(Minister To The Wedding Reception)
“By the authority vested in me by the State of ___________________________ I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
[End of the Wedding Ceremony]

Additional Wedding Ceremony Scripts
The wedding ceremony script above is as basic as it gets. For more examples of wedding ceremony scripts that involve more rituals and different wording, check out the American Marriage Ministries website pages below.
- 10 Sample Wedding Ceremony Scripts
- 5 Christian Wedding Ceremony Scripts
- 3 Wedding Ceremony Scripts Including Children
Your Officiant responsibility in preparing for the wedding ceremony involves more than just writing the wedding ceremony script. Follow the link below for officiant rehearsal and dress tips.