It’s not just improved wedding photos and better video quality that has changed the landscape of modern-day weddings. The introduction of the internet, social media and most recently virtual weddings and AI have effectively revolutionized how weddings are held, from the planning stages to the ceremony itself. This article will examine those changes and how they may affect weddings in the future. Let’s take a close look at exactly how technology is changing weddings.

How the Internet Has Changed Weddings
Since the dawn of the internet, the wedding industry has taken on a lot of new dimensions. Brand new services that previously didn’t exist, became leaders in the market. Take for example online wedding planners, Pinterest photographers, Instagram influencers, plus all the discussion forums.
With the internet many couples put more time and effort into the planning and research stage of the wedding. Everything from venue research, wedding gown shopping, catering services and finding a wedding photographer is mediated by online services.
Online Invitations and Planning
Although paper wedding invitations have not been fully replaced, digital invitations have become increasingly popular in recent years. Nowadays many couples opt for online invitation services which saves a lot of time, money and resources. With one click couples can RSVP to a wedding invitation, and let the couple know whether they will be able to make it or not.
Online Ordination
Before the age of the internet you had to be a priest or some kind of high level official to legally officiate weddings. These days, your Uncle Jim can officiate your wedding. This has become a super simple process which has in recent years become very popular. Websites like American Marriage Ministries offer free ordinations make it really easy to get ordained. With a couple clicks you can go from being a regular Joe to a full-fledged wedding officiant.
Improved Wedding Photography and Videography
Advancements in photography and easier access to quality equipment also means a lot more competition within the wedding photography space. Drone photography has completely changed the scene, making it easier to capture the money shot from pretty much any angle. A video that starts with a birds eye view of the wedding venue and slowly sweeps down for a crowd shot, is a gem for any couple’s wedding instagram reel.
Something that’s become increasingly popular in the last few years wearing AirTags at the wedding. This makes it easier for people to be located for a special wedding photo or an emergency meeting. For couples that want guests to be off their phones for the ceremony and reception, this is a great way of having effective communication without the distraction.
Wedding Content Creators
It’s more and more common these days for couples to look for someone to be their wedding content creator. This extra position does not replace the photographer or videographer, but adds an extra level of wedding content. Couples might choose a content creator to stream their wedding live on Instagram, or create TikTok reels.

Everybody is a Creator
We seem to take it for granted these days that just about every one of us has access to an excellent camera right in their back pocket. QR codes hung throughout the venue space can be scanned and allow guests to upload wedding photos to a shared file. Compare this to the 1920’s when you got maybe one good wedding photo, and it’s easy to see how technology is changing weddings.
Silent Disco’s
Silent disco’s were first introduced to the wedding scene in the early 2000’s and have been a hit ever since. It’s a unique experience where you slip on headphones and can dance on your own, but you are still dancing in a crowd of other people. Silent diso’s are excellent for wedding venues that don’t allow loud music or have a noise curfew.
Using AI to Write Wedding Vows?
A lot of people are asking “should I let AI write my wedding vows?” Chat GPT or Gemini are useful tools for getting ideas for your wedding vows. However, you’ll want to make sure that your vows are sincere and reflect the promises that you wish to hold to in your marriage.
AI is a great starting place, though. If you are having a hard time just coming up with basic ideas for your vows, using AI to help you brainstorm is great!
A Glimpse Into the Future of Weddings
Nobody can say exactly what weddings might look like in the future as advancements in technology continue to change society. Maybe a holograph of your uncle in Japan will be able to officiate your wedding in New York, or you’ll be able to take a high speed train across the country and travel to your cousin’s wedding on the opposite coast in less than a couple hours! Maybe online and virtual reality weddings will become more common with guests tuning in as avatars. One thing we can be sure of is that innovations in technology will continue to affect weddings and how couples choose to celebrate.
By now you should have a good idea of how technology is changing weddings. It’s anybody’s guess how weddings may look in twenty years, but advancements in human technology and AI are sure to have a significant impact on the wedding landscape.
– Bernard Paul