A Punk Rock Wedding Ceremony

For all you punk rockers out there, here’s a wedding ceremony script that we put together after a night of drinking and rocking out, so please excuse any misspellings or grammatical errors. No seriously though, if you listen to the Ramones and like to wear black clothes and long silver chains, here’s a ceremony script for you and your skater boy/girl.

Punks Posing for a Wedding Photo

A perfect venue for your wedding ceremony would be either in a friend’s basement or a rented out music venue. Get creative with the decorations. Maybe hang up a photo display of the couple, have some guitars on display…black and white streamers might be fun too. Having an all-black dress code might be fun too! Keep it interesting, imaginative, and of course – keep it weird. 

If you want a friend to officiate the wedding ceremony, American Marriage Ministries is a non-denominational organization that ordains people online so they can officiate weddings. They pretty much allow anyone to get ordained and don’t discriminate against race, religion or gender. Yes, this means that even your punk friend can officiate your wedding as long as they’re at least eighteen years old. 


Officiant: “Welcome everyone! Who’s here to rock out, take a few shots with me, and get these two cuties hitched!? [Crowd cheers]

Well, we’ve all been waiting for this day, and it’s finally here. As punks, we are familiar with the feeling of loneliness. In Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Billy Joe speaks of his longing for a partner to one day join him at his side. Often it feels like we walk this road of life alone, but then when things seem like they couldn’t get any darker, something special happens. In [Partner 1] and [Partner 2]’s case it was finding each other. We’re super excited to be on this journey with the two of you and celebrate your love today. 


At this point one of the guests can choose a punk rock wedding song or a poem. Here’s an example:

Punk rock love is 

drinking coffee together 

when the sun comes up, 

when the sun goes down, 

and all the time in between.  

Going on long walks and 

making out in the woods.  

Barely watching a movie.  

Driving around 

with no particular plan,

just to be together.  

Singing along to the same song

so loud that the people you pass

stop and stare.

Singing in weird voices,

trying to make them laugh.

– sickgirl

Heart Drawn On Foggy Window

The couple can write their own vows, but here are some ideas inspired by punk rock lyrics:

Partner 1: “From our very first date it felt like this could last forever. I knew from that night on that you were my Juliet and I already wanted you to check yes. Like Forrest Kline, I fell in love with you quite suddenly. Now I promise to stay with you forever, even when times get lonely and rough. I promise to be your number one fan and when things get crazy in the mosh pit of life, to always be there to pick you up.

Partner 2: “When I first lay my eyes on you I felt like I was already falling in too deep. I knew after that first night that there was something special about you. I know I’m in the middle of a ride with you but I also know that everything will be just fine with you as well. I promise to always love and cherish you for as long as we have breath in our lungs and a beat in our hearts. 

Ring Exchange

Officiant: “Even if you already have a lot of rings, the rings you are about to exchange are particularly special. Everytime you look at them, you can remember that there’s someone out there who loves and cares about you. These rings are a symbol of your eternal bond, a bond that can’t be broken…not even in the mosh pit. 

Partner 1: “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. When you look at it, remember that even in the darkest hour, I will always be there for you.”

Partner 2: “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. Just as the ring is round and complete, so is my love for you. You complete me and make me whole” 

Officiant: “By the power vested in me by the God of Punk, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss!”

Unity Ceremony 

Smashing a guitar or a pumpkin is a great way to symbolize the breaking down of barriers to allow something new to start. 

– Bernard Paul