Rooted in Love: Why You Should Add a Tree Planting Ceremony to Your Wedding

As people become more concerned with global warming, it’s no surprise that couples are looking to do their part in slowing down the climate crisis. Tree planting ceremonies are a way of showing love and care for every living thing on this planet. Let’s talk about why such a ceremony might be the perfect way to celebrate your special day.

First, let’s discuss the symbolism behind the tree planting ceremony. When you plant a tree you allow the earth to help it grow, but you also need to water it and plant it in a location where it is most likely to survive. In the same way a marriage grows well in a loving community and surrounded by family and friends. 

Choosing the tree is totally up to you. Maybe there’s a tree that is important to you or your culture, or a tree that has a special connection to your love story.  Whether it’s a flowering cherry tree for its beauty or an oak for its strength there are so many options to choose from. Just do your research and make sure the tree will grow well in the area where you plan to plant it. Planting a weeping willow in dry soil is probably not the best choice…. 

Don’t forget to choose a wedding venue that will allow you to do the tree planting ceremony. Whether it’s a hidden garden, a scenic outdoor setting, or even your backyard, make sure that it fits with the overall theme of your wedding.

Find a moment in the ceremony that fits well with the flow. We suggest doing the ceremony after the vow exchange. The couple, along with whoever else they choose, can pick up shovels and get to work! If you have the hole dug before the ceremony, it will definitely save some time and hopefully an extra change of clothes. The tree planting does not need to be a dirty procedure at all, if the right equipment such as shovels and gloves are provided you should be able to avoid dirtying your wedding garments. 

We think it’s pretty cute when couple’s decide to include notes or messages to each other in a time capsule buried alongside the tree to add a little personal twist to the ceremony. You can even use engraved markers or plaques with names and your wedding date. These small details are what make your wedding different from any other tree planting ceremony. 

The tree planting ceremony is not just a symbolic action; it’s also a little tip-of-the-hat to sustainability. By choosing a living plant over traditional ceremonies like candle wax or sand, you are making a statement about your values. You could possibly start a ripple effect that changes the future of wedding ceremonies and possibly even the planet! It’s a vison that starts with your love for each other but extends to the rest of the world.

You can even go a step further and offer small potted trees or seed packets as wedding favors. Guests can take home a piece of the celebration and contribute to the environment by planting a tree themselves.

Your photographer should make sure to capture the tree planting ceremony beautifully. From the first shovel of soil to the exchanged glances, these moments will be cherished memories for years to come. 

Including a  tree planting ceremony into your wedding is a timeless expression of love, growth, and gratitude for the planet. Let the tree’s growth reflect the growth in your relationship – roots of your love reaching deep down and the branches stretching out to the sun for strength and sustenance. A tree planting ceremony is a beautiful wedding ceremony and a promise to nurture the love you share for years to come.

Bernard Paul