The Flying Spaghetti Monster: A Unique Ordination to Officiate Weddings

If you’re looking to officiate some off-beat weddings, this satirical church offers online ordination that allows you to perform weddings. This article will help you decide if you’re ready for pastafarianism 🙂

In the realm of unusual belief systems, few are as out there and delicious as the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). Originating from a satirical open letter in 2005, the FSM has become a symbol of skepticism, secularism, and yes, even marriage. 

FSM ministers are allowed to officiate any sort of (legal) ceremony they want, including those inspired by the pasta gods (see picture above). Let’s unpack this unique pathway to marriage and talk about what it means for couples that want to tie the noodly knot.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster emerged from the creative mind of Bobby Henderson, who wrote a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education in protest against the teaching of intelligent design in public schools. Henderson’s letter humorously proposed that if teachers had to teach scientific and non-scientific material in the same classroom, then the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a god  made from spaghetti and meatballs, should also be included.

What began as a criticism of creationism eventually turned into the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSMism). Although often considered a parody religion, FSMism has gained an almost cult-like following of disciples who embrace its principles of skepticism, scientific inquiry, and a lighthearted approach to spirituality. As they say, the difference between a cult and a religion is a few hundred years…

The Church’s “Pastafarian” followers wear colanders as religious headgear and celebrate holidays such as “Pastover” and “Ramendan.”

While the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn’t adhere to traditional religious doctrines, it does recognize marriage as a meaningful and sacred institution. Pastafarian weddings, officiated by ordained ministers of the FSM, are a celebration of love, humor, and individuality. Like all marriages, Pastafarian unions are founded on mutual respect, commitment, and a shared appreciation for the absurd.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, then here’s a link to their homepage where you can get ordained in just a few minutes. If you’re looking for something a little less out there, but still open and accepting, then American Marriage Ministries can also ordain you to officiate weddings. The ordination process takes about two minutes to complete and is free of charge.

Back to pastafarianism… What does a Pastafarian wedding ceremony entail, you might ask? 

While the specifics vary, a typical Pastafarian wedding incorporates elements of humor, irreverence, and, of course, pasta. Couples may exchange vows while holding spaghetti noodles, invoke the blessings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and seal their union with a hearty “R’amen” instead of the traditional “I do.”

In a world where marriage is often steeped in tradition and solemnity, the Flying Spaghetti Monster offers a refreshing, lighthearted perspective. Some people just want to get married with a blessing from the noodle gods and who are we to stand in their way? When it comes to marriage, love is the ultimate sauce that binds us all together. R’amen!

Bernard Paul