Coming up with a wedding ceremony script is one of the more challenging aspects of the ceremony planning stage. Maybe you’re the wedding officiant tasked with coming up with a cohesive script that reflects the wishes of the couple while maintaining your genuine approach. There’s a number of factors you have to work with when coming up with wedding ceremony script ideas, but we’ll help you get some ideas flowing.

Come Up With The Main Theme
Of course you’ll want the ceremony script to be about love, but what separates this wedding ceremony from the rest. If you are the couple, maybe there is a special theme or idea that makes your relationship special. Are you together because you both bonded over a television series, or did you have similar tastes in music? These are all things that could influence the theme of the wedding ceremony.
Are either of you religious in any way? Maybe you’ll want to add a special reading or unity ceremony into the wedding script. Even if you’re not religious, maybe your family expects you to add some aspects of your heritage into your wedding. Today it is quite easy to combine secular and religious traditions together for a fusion-type wedding ceremony.
Check out Sample Ceremony Scripts
Having trouble coming up with wedding ceremony script ideas on your own? Don’t worry. There are a ton of awesome resources on the internet to help you brainstorm for your wedding ceremony. Gaining inspiration from other ceremony scripts is one of the best brainstorming methods. For example American Marriage Ministries has a ton of sample ceremony scripts on their website. From Catholic to Jewish, and from funny and lighthearted to movie themed scripts, it’s a great place to start for gaining inspiration. Here’s a link to their ceremony script library.
Personalizing Your Script
Although you can take a script straight from the internet and use it word for word, it’s important to find ways of personalising the script to make the wedding authentic, memorable and meaningful. When making the opening remarks, make honorable mentions of the parents and grandparents from the couple or any special guests that are in attendance.
Moreover, including a special reading or poem that the couple has picked up can be a really sweet touch to the ceremony. If the couple is Christian consider including a favorite Bible passage.
Summarizing the couple’s love story is one of the best ways to make a wedding ceremony script feel authentic, heartfelt and personalized. It helps the couple reflect on their love story at a very special moment, and guests often find this a very moving part of the ceremony. If done well, you’ll have the whole audience in tears.
Add Songs and Unity Ceremonies
Adding extra flares to your wedding ceremony script can also make the ceremony fun and interesting. Consider adding a handfasting ceremony, or a sand mixing ceremony. Is one of the guests a singer? Maybe have them sing a special love song during the ceremony. Don’t be afraid to switch things up and make the ceremony unique!
The most important thing is that the ceremony script is authentic. It doesn’t matter how many extra trimmings you decide to include in the script, in the end it should reflect your true feelings.
– Bernard Paul