A Wedding Officiant’s Style Guide

Choosing what to wear as a wedding officiant is one of the challenges of the job. You want to look polished and professional, but you also want to express your personal style while keeping in mind the couple’s wishes. It can be a little tricky to find the right fit, but don’t worry! This guide will help you find the perfect outfit for your role.

Understand Your Role

As an officiant, you’re the guide of the ceremony and what you wear should reflect your personal style, but also the vibe of the ceremony. It’s important to look professional and respectful but keep in mind, you’re not the main attraction. The focus should be on the couple.

The wedding style will narrow down your outfit choice. A formal black-tie wedding calls for a classic suit or elegant dress. A beach wedding might allow for something more relaxed– think flowery shirt and sunglasses, while a rustic wedding could inspire more of a business casual look. It doesn’t have to be extreme to be unique. Something like a suit and tie with a twist – a colorful t-shirt under your suit, or sneakers instead of dress shoes – is the best way to show off your wedding officiant style. 

It’s important to go through these ideas with the couple BEFORE wedding day so you’re not showing up last minute with an outfit that the couple won’t approve of. Send them pictures or tell them exactly what you will be wearing to avoid any misunderstandings. 

Develop Your Style

If the couple wants your personality to shine through on their big day and they’ve let you decide your own outfit that’s awesome! Do you love bold colors or prefer earth tones? Are you more comfortable in a suit or a dress? Find a style that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

Consider developing a signature look. This can be really helpful for developing your brand as a wedding officiant and making you stand out in the market.  Maybe you always wear a specific color or style of suit. Do you want to be the rainbow suited minister or the 1960’s style Zoot Suit Officiant? The possibilities are endless!

Finalize the Look

So once you have a general idea of what you’ll be wearing. Here are some extra things to check off the list. Make sure the outfit fits well. A tailored suit or dress might be a bit more expensive but is sure to improve your wedding officiant style. Also, You’ll be standing for a while, so choose comfortable shoes. Your attention to detail is one of the easiest things to overlook but one that can make or break your style. Wearing something like a tasteful watch or a small lapel pin can do a lot. 

Makeup and hairdo don’t necessarily fall into the clothing category but are an important part of your style. Going to the barber to get a beard trim or having your hair curled at the hair saloon can really add some extra rizz to your look.

By following these steps, you can create your professional wedding officiant look with ease. Get creative and be different, but keep in mind the couple’s wishes come first and your outfit is really all about making them feel special. As long as you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing, you’ll be ready to officiate with confidence.

Bernard Paul