What is a commitment ceremony?

When we think about it, you might have already witnessed a commitment ceremony without even knowing about it. Indeed, it is that similar! Basically, it is almost the same as a wedding ceremony, with one key difference – it is not legally binding. Simply, giving a commitment for eternal devotion without all the paperwork. The beauty is that these ceremonies can be completely tailored to fit your unique personality, having a deep and special significance. But why would couples opt for this kind of union and who can carry out the officiating?

Today we are breaking down the subject and explaining everything you need to know about a commitment ceremony!

Why do couples choose to have a commitment ceremony?

Let’s say you profoundly love each other yet you don’t want to be bothered with any legalities. It is one of the main reasons why couples opt for such a ritual of devotion. Others see it as a wedding anniversary where they can refresh their vows. Some cannot be legally married because of different laws and religious obstacles in their countries so they choose this symbolic ceremony to express their candid emotions. Either way, no matter why couples decide to get married this way, everything can be adjusted to meet their needs!


Image by Southernmost Photography


Where can you have a commitment ceremony?

There are no rules! You can have your ceremony wherever you like. While legal marriage ceremonies require sanctioned venues, in this case you get total freedom! Whether it is a cozy cottage in the woods, or in the city park – it is totally up to the couple. You just need to ask yourselves – if you could have your ceremony anywhere, which place would you both choose? 

Who can officiate?

As we previously said, the commitment ceremony is very similar to the ordinary, so naturally, the person that is going to be your wedding officiant matters. If you wish to have a more stress-free experience, it is wise to opt for a practiced officiant or maybe a friend or a family member who can get ordained very easily. On the plus side, your script doesn’t have to follow any rules so they will help you with the creation, sprinkling a few interesting stories here and there! Usually, it is recommended to include an experienced officiant that will seamlessly officiate everything, highlighting every part at the perfect timing.

Do you have to follow a certain program?

Absolutely not, it is that simple! You design your special day in a way that is convenient for both of you. Commitment ceremonies are all about giving love wings and liberating it from any norms or rules, and that applies to the program. After the ceremony, you can have a reception with a first dance and cake cutting, or you may choose something completely different.

What do you have to wear?

Most of the couples wear what they would wear at a regular wedding – dresses, and tuxes; but yet again, that is completely up to you!

Final words

A commitment wedding ceremony is nothing but a free expression of love and devotion, officiated by whoever you like, without any rules nor legalities. If you wish to learn more and have your family or friend ordained, simply head over to theamm.org!