
What to put in Hotel Wedding Gift Bags for Wedding Guests

A lot of people are wondering “what should I put in the hotel gift bags for my wedding guests?” To answer this question we’ve compiled a few sources to find the best gifts to include in your guest’s gift bag. 

Wedding Gift Bag – Karolina Grabowska

What’s the point of welcome gift bags?

After spending money and time getting to …

How Technology Is Changing Weddings

It’s not just improved wedding photos and better video quality that has changed the landscape of modern-day weddings. The introduction of the internet, social media and most recently virtual weddings and AI have effectively revolutionized how weddings are held, from the planning stages to the ceremony itself. This article will examine those changes and how they may affect weddings in …

Alternative Wedding Ideas

Are you tired of the cliche American wedding and looking for alternative wedding ideas? In this article we will explore some ways to keep your wedding interesting and different. We’ll talk about alternative wedding venues, ceremony and reception ideas. Let’s dive right in!

Alternative Wedding Venue Ideas

Imagine having your wedding in the middle of the woods! You could decorate …

Cheap Wedding Ideas

The insane cost of weddings these days is something that many Americans struggle with. Some people start saving years in advance of their wedding or going into thousands of dollars of debt. From hiring wedding planners to covering venue costs, catering services, hotels and transportation, it all adds up to a hefty amount. That’s why we’ve found some cheap wedding

Ten Thai Wedding Traditions

Sawateekap! Are you planning a traditional Thai wedding? Maybe you just want to include some Thai elements. Perhaps you’re planning a destination wedding in Thailand and just want to find out a bit more about the culture. In this article we’ll talk about ten popular Thai wedding traditions. 

Thai Wedding Dress – Neosiam

1. Choosing an Auspicious Wedding Date

Strongly …

10 Unique Wedding Gift Ideas

Are you having a hard time deciding what to get the couple for their wedding? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you brainstorm for some fun and unique wedding gift ideas. Let’s jump right in!

Wedding Art – Pixabay

1. Gift an Experience

Gift a couple an experience like a romantic restaurant night, tickets to their favorite band or a …

How to Find the Perfect Wedding Dress

As a bride-to-be, picking out the perfect wedding dress is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make for your wedding day. This article should make this decision a lot easier for you to finalize.

“Should I go with a short or long sleeve wedding dress?” or “Should I buy a traditional white dress or choose something a little more modern?” …

Loving Meditations for Your Wedding Day

Are you concerned how you will feel on wedding day? Maybe you are looking for ways to be more present and centered on your wedding day? This article will provide you with tips on how to decompress and find that quiet place to prepare for the next chapter of your life.

Meditating Couple – Photo by Kampus Production

Wedding Day

Ten Russian Wedding Traditions

Russia is the largest country in the world with a rich culture and many different influences and traditions. In this article we’ll talk about some Russian wedding traditions unique to the motherland.

Russian Couple Celebrate Out on a Boat (Photo by Vladimir Chake)

1. Taking The Bride Ransom

In some cultures, the idea of paying a ransom to get the …

Eight Korean Wedding Traditions

Maybe you’re planning on attending a Korean wedding or perhaps you like the idea of including a few Korean customs into your own wedding. From gift-giving, elegant clothing and delicious food Korean culture has a rich and beautiful wedding tradition. This article will explore some of these unique Korean Wedding traditions. 

Korean Bridesmaid in Traditional Wedding Dress

1. Matchmakers

In …