
What is a Declaration of Intent & What Does the Officiant Say?

Photo by Danik Prihodko, Pexels

There are only a couple of things that a wedding officiant must include during a civil marriage ceremony for the service to be legal… 

One of those things is called the ‘Declaration of Intent.’ 

This ‘declaration’ is when the couple formally ‘declares’ their intention to marry in front of their officiant and witnesses, hence the …

How to Get Married in Another State

Thinking of going somewhere a little more sunny, or snowy, or green to tie the knot? Here’s what you need to know:

If you’re dreaming of a destination wedding somewhere in the U.S., there’s one very important thing you should know…

You must apply for your marriage license in the state or county where you plan to get married.


The Simple Wedding Ceremony Script You’ve Been Looking For

Don’t stress about writing your wedding ceremony, here’s an easy way to crush it on the big day!

You’ve been looking for a wedding ceremony script that’s impossible to mess up, right?

Something simple, sweet, heartfelt, and easy to read?

A script that won’t trip you up with big words or complicated readings on the day of the wedding?


How to Lead a Funeral or A Memorial Service

Losing someone is one of the most hurtful moments in the course of life, especially if the person was very close to their heart. In these pressing circumstances, the deceased’s family needs to organize everything for a funeral despite that heavy burden of loss. If you are to lead something like this, there are some essentials that you must be

What Is a Handfasting Ceremony?

Do you want to personalize your wedding with a symbolic touch? If yes, then this blog is going to be incredibly helpful to you! When it comes to the wedding ceremony, you would want to indulge in a handfasting that is just as fascinating as it sounds. This act is a promise which unites the couple while their hands are

No Wedding Officiants in Alabama? Understanding Alabama’s new marriage license requirements

Our friends over at American Marriage Ministries have gotten a lot of questions from couples asking about Alabama’s new marriage license requirements. Specifically, folks are wondering about a new rule passed into law last year that seems to eliminate the role of the wedding officiant!?

The good news is that Alabama’s new marriage process is more of a bureaucratic measure, …